Thursday, July 31, 2008

HERETIC: Josh Mills, "ghost" plays keyboard

Right when you think it can not get any more stupid, it gets stupider. Joshua Mills explains what went on during one of his services. Lots of little stories sure to either make you mad at the lies being spouted or either tickle your funny bone. You choose.

He says the keyboard began playing by itself. Uh huh. That is either a blatent lie as anyone who plays keyboard nowdays knows that you can create music on it and then play it back at the touch of a button. Or there truly is something demonic going in and they STILL do not get it. He goes on to say that they heard angels sing. Too bad they don’t have proof for us. All these things are possible, I believe, BUT I would love to make these people take a liars’ test.

Then he goes on to say that people were thinking about lunch during this supernatural event. I guess so, Josh. Your followers are either bored or catching on to you! What WILL you think of next to keep them following you? How about fly around the room for them? That should keep them following you... uh, for a while anyway!

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